
2023-2024 Clubs

Academic Challenge
An informational meeting was held on Tuesday, August 29, for the 6th and 7th graders interested in joining this club.  If you have any questions, please see Miss Miller. (A 5th grade informational meeting will be held in September)

There will be a meeting for 5th graders interested in Academic Challenge today, Wednesday, September 20th during E/I. You will meet in the cafeteria. If you have any questions, please see Miss Miller.

Speech and Debate
There will be a Speech and Debate Informational and Demonstration meeting on Thursday, September 7th.  This is only for 6th and 7th graders at this time.  7th grade will be during 6th period and 6th grade will be during 7th period.  Both meetings will be in one of the gyms.  Please see Mrs. Adkins for any questions!

Student Council
Do you want to get involved to make Edgewood a fun & exciting place?  To be considered, please fill out the application in your email.  It is due Friday, September 8th.  If you have any questions, see Ms. Siegenthaler.

Ski Club
If you are interested in Ski Club, please join the remind that is posted on flyers and cafeteria boards (@skiwoo24). There is a parent meeting on Wednesday, October 18, in the cafeteria.