Assembly-Merill Rainey- Author visit to Parkview

Friday, November 4, 2022 - 1:30pm to 3:15pm

Mr. Rainey's presentation details: 
-The Paper Toy Character Creation & Storytelling (with the use of stop motion animation or photography). 
-The presentation will cover Character Development and Paper Toy Creation presentation, then also teaches students how to tell their character's story through stop motion animation or photo illustrations.  
-This session covers storyboarding as well as tips and tricks on how to make dynamic visuals. -There will be some audience participation and he will call volunteers to the presentation area for some of the storyboarding.
-Following the presentation, Mr. Rainey will provide each classroom with one packet of materials. There will be a piece of paper for each student that has his developed character printed on it for students to color, cut, and assemble.