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Our schools are extremely fortunate to have the support of our parent and community volunteers.  While we are continually grateful for this support, we are also aware of the potential concerns that can arise when volunteers are working directly with students.  Our district prioritizes safety for our students and thus has established a volunteer process that includes a background check.   

What is required?

A background check through the district’s online system will be required of all school volunteers. Volunteers are also required to review the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Awareness and Training for Volunteers that can be found here.

How long does it take to process a background check?

Volunteers should apply for the check at least one week prior to an event.

What activities require a background check?

While this is not an exhaustive list, here are some examples that do or do not require a background check:

Background Check Required                                                                

  • Chaperoning a field trip
  • Providing learning support for a classroom
  • Assisting with making copies or preparing materials in school
  • PTO volunteer work
  • Volunteering for a classroom celebration in school
  • Assisting in school during the instructional day

Background Check Not Required

  • Having lunch with your child
  • Picking up a child from school
  • Being a guest speaker
  • Attending a student performance

How much does a background check cost?

At this time, there is no cost* for a background check. The district is covering the cost of the screening for each volunteer.

*Please note that this may be subject to change.

PLEASE NOTE! If you are a Wooster City School District employee and would like to volunteer, you do NOT need to complete this screening. Your BCI/FBI background check result is already on file with the district.

In addition: If you are a parent or community member that would like to volunteer and you have already had a BCI/FBI background check completed within the school year that you would like to volunteer, please take a copy of those results to any school office or to the Board of Education Office. You do NOT need to complete this screening.

Volunteer background checks, and the Secure Volunteer ID, are valid for one calendar year. You will receive an automated reminder to re-apply email directly from BChex, approximately one month before the expiration date.

Click here to Apply to be a Volunteer