- No food, drink (except water in closed containers), or chewing gum is allowed in any program areas.
- Appropriate shirts and shoes are required. Shoes with soles that will mark the floors are prohibited. Shirts must be work at all times.
- Look both ways before crossing the track.
- Walkers on the inside 3 lanes
- Runners on the outside 2 lanes.
- No horseplay or loitering on the track.
- Membership badges must be work at all times.
- No bouncing/throwing balls outside of curtains.
- Smoking and the use of chewing tobacco is prohibited anywhere on the WHS campus.
- Hanging on the rims or backboard pads is prohibited.
- Profanity or abusive language is prohibited.
- Wooster City Schools does not assume liability for property loss and/or injuries resulting from any activity or event.
- Individual patrons shall utilize the Gault Recreation Center at their own risk.