Business Advisory Council
The Wooster City Schools also partners with the Business Advisory Council (BAC) which is a committee of Wooster area experienced business and professional people who serve as a resource to the Wooster City School System. The Council consists of 25-35 business or professional executives. In addition, senior level administrators from the Central Office of the Wooster City Schools and School Board members serve as ex-officio members of the Business Advisory Council.
The Wooster City School District formed a Business Advisory County (BAC) in 1990. Mr. Michael Steiner was the first Chair to organize the mission and vision of the BAC. After a successful bond levy was passed by the BAC and the "Shape Their Future" campaign in November 1991, a new high school was constructed and opened in September 1994.
Mr. Richard Seaman continued the strong leadership left by Mr. Steiner and assumed the role of Chair in the summer of 1991. Sixteen years later (2007), Mr. Scott Allen assumed the Chairmanship. Today, the BAC oversees four committees:
- Communications (Christine Nolletti, Shannon Federinko)
- Finance (Chris Bailey, Amy Welty)
- Facilities Master Planning (Doug Drushal, Gabe Tudor)
- Safety and Security (Thomas Maurer, Brian Madigan)
Scott Allen, Chair