BOE Meetings
The Wooster City School Board meetings are open to the public except those called to be held in Executive Session.
Public Participation Procedures
- All participants requesting their comment to be read must submit through the link on our website by 5:30 p.m. the day of the regular board meeting.
- All participants requesting to speak in-person must fill out a form for each topic and submit by 6:00 p.m. the day of the board meeting. These forms can be filed out online or in-person at the board meeting.
- We will use an onscreen timer that is visible to the board and all participants indicating the amount of time that is remaining to speak.
Executive Sessions
According to Ohio's Sunshine Law, the board may call an executive session to:
- consider matters involving personnel;
- consider the purchase or sale of property;
- consult with an attorney;
- prepare for, conduct or review negotiations with employees;
- consider matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or state statutes;
- consider specialized details of security arrangements or conferences called by a member of the Ohio Auditor's Office or an appointed certified public accountant for the purpose of an audit.
No official action may be taken in executive session. To take action on any matter discussed, the board must reconvene in open session.